Tampere Piano Camp
Tampere Piano Camp is designed for children and young people. The first of these camps, held every June, was in 2016 at the facilities of the Pirkanmaa Institute for Music and the Tampere Music Academy. In addition to teaching individual students, the piano camps focus on providing opportunities to learn together – an aspect of daily training that often has a very small role for pianists as compared to those playing orchestral instruments. Activities at the camps include piano workshops, and the program has also featured, for example, group classes in articulacy and rhythmics.
Tampere Piano Camp is open to all pianists who are not yet receiving vocational or higher education level training. So far, the piano camp has taken the form of a day camp.
‘Learning Together and Expressing with Joy’, a master’s thesis on Tampere Piano Camp 2016 written by Mia Muona, reviewed at Tampere University of Applied Sciences.